The General Affairs Charge performs certain duties for the assistant to the director of the JSNR. The main activities are managing enrollment in and withdrawals from the society for members, officers, and committee members. Additionally, we provide information as a service to committee members and prepare advertisements.
The General Affairs Charge encourages and promotes various activities of nursing research for society members.
Please let me know of any questions or the need for consultation on JSNR activities.
The Public Relations Section is in charge of information exchanges and negotiations aimed at building smooth cooperation with other important institutions and organizations involved in nursing practice, such as the Japan Association of Nursing Academies (JANA), Science Council of JAPAN (SCJ, Section II Life Sciences), and Social Insurance Union of Societies Related to Nursing (KANHOREN).
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the JSNR joined JANA in submitting an urgent proposal to the Prime Minister. We send important information to JSNR members and strive to contribute to the development of nursing academies in collaboration with other organizations.
Treasurers manage the property of the society in cooperation with the secretariat.
We analyze financial information and prepare financial reports to determine or maintain a record of assets, liabilities, profit and loss, tax liability, and other financial activities of the society.
The Editorial Board is responsible for planning, editing, and publishing the Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Research (JJSNR ), a Japanese language journal that has been in continuous existence since March 1978, and the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR ), an international English language journal that was launched in 2021. Publication of the journals is one of the society's fundamental functions, and contributors' high-impact research results are promptly published.
The Scholarship Committee aims to contribute to the development of nursing science through the results of research. It has awarded part of its research expenses (within 500,000 yen) in scholarship funding to nurture excellent nursing researchers. Every year, we support our members with a membership history of more than three years for the recruitment, selection, and presentation of the results of scholarship research.
This committee is responsible for selecting recipients of the Society Award and Encouragement Awards from original articles published in the past three years. The Society Award is awarded to a first author of an original paper that contributes to the development of nursing practice. Encouragement Awards are conferred for five original papers that are unique and promising. Each of the five committee members read and evaluate about 30 original papers, select award-winning papers, and deliberate carefully. Following their deliberations, the chairperson prepares the recommendation form and application documents. In February, recommendations are presented to the president of the society. The board of directors deliberate at the end of the fiscal year, and recipients of the awards are approved at the general meeting of society members in May.
The Future Vision Review Committee is a summit meeting of the society, chaired by the president, that convenes a conference about important matters related to the future of the society before putting the matter to the board of directors. From 2020 to November 2021, the committee met twice to discuss such matters as the establishment of the Student Membership System and the Practical Research Activity Promotion Working Group.
In addition, the JSNR has a separate standing board of directors, which includes the heads of all committees besides the Future Vision Review Committee members. The standing board of directors will meet immediately before the board meeting if the president deems it necessary.
The Research Ethics Committee examines ethical issues associated with the research of humans, animals, materials, et cetera, and supports society members in deepening their understanding of ethics as it relates to nursing research.
Members requesting a research ethics review should access the following URL:
on the JSNR website and complete the documents therein (i.e., application form, application form for research ethics review, checklist for applicants, and self-declaration of conflicts of interest) and send them to the secretariat of the society.
Other activities include the support of exchange meetings on research ethics and management of conflicts of interest.
This committee carries out the following activities, among others, with the cooperation of members and related parties with the aim of supporting the international activities and exchanges of members:
1) Provide information that contributes to international activities
2) Support the dissemination of information overseas
3) Collaborate and interact with overseas academic societies and related organizations
Large-scale Disaster Support Project Committee
The Large-Scale Disaster Support Project Committee launched its activities in 2011 in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. We provide subsidies for the continuation of studies and research by nursing students and members of this society who are in need because of natural disasters, such as large earthquakes, heavy rains, eruptions, and the COVID-19 pandemic. From 2011 to 2020, we provided approximately 24.35 million yen to 295 people. This committee recruits support applicants, selects recipients, and calls for donations in the event of a large-scale disaster.
The Public Relations Committee is working to disseminate information about academic projects and educational and research activities related to nursing.
The following five points are specific activities:
1) Operation of the society's website
2) Issuance of the newsletter
3) Dissemination of information by email delivery to members
4) Collection, disclosure, and management of information necessary for academic society activities
5) Examination of the public relations system
We are working hard to provide useful information to our members.
The JSNR, which is a member of KANHOREN, is working mainly on two working groups to provide evidence that will lead to revisions in nursing care fees. These include ① the "Children with disabilities project," which focuses on support projects to expand the lifeworld for children with disabilities and their families, and ② the "Project to reduce physical restraints of the elderly in acute care hospitals," which is related to effective nursing techniques for the elderly in a super-aging society.
The working groups are collecting data and evidences and submitting requests for revisions to compensation and nursing care fees.
Mandate: The Promotion of the Practical Nursing Research Activity Working group strives to promote a welcoming environment for clinical nursing research and improve the quality of nursing research in response to the diverse needs of our membership.
Goals for 2021/2022:
1. Organizing regular meetings, such as "Let's Connect Research and Our Friends"
2. Organizing seminars on research methods
3. Supporting research teams
4. Using the website to publicize activities